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Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and Workshops

“Most [organizations] think the key to growth is developing new technologies and products. But often this is not so. To unlock the next wave of growth, companies must embed these innovations in a disruptive new business model.”
― Peter H. Diamandis, The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives

To ensure that all attend our workshops and seminars are well versed in all the technologies, trends and tools that are available today we offer a 2.5 hour introduction which covers all at a high level, in a simple non-technical interactive in person or online session.

To ensure you learn to be as effective as possible in all endeavors we will teach you how to use Artificial Intelligence as your Collaborator or Co Pilot.

We include an introduction to using a variety of tools and technoloigies to use use in business and in life. These include

   UpWork    AirTasker    Wix     VR/AR  Otter    Calendy   BlockChain  Web3   Metaverse

LinkedIn  Slack    Discord    Zoom   Instagram    Stable Diffusion   ChatGPT3


We asked ChatGPT3 to write 50 words about each of the above to outline the benefuts to if you want to know more 



Future Back Thinking

Establishing Clarity in long term planning

Creating a portfolio of opportunity for the next 10 years based on non eveident trends of today.

Creating a Culture of Creativity

How to ensure all in your business are focussed on finding solutions to your clients problems.

A practiacl hands on appraoch to teaching Creative and Design Thinking



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